I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of bad news.
So when I got an email from award-winning author Laura Denooyer asking if she could interview me? Well, let’s just say I was excited to say yes.
Laura loves finding creativity. And she believes everyone has it–they just don’t always know it.
I know I was like that.
I distinctly remember, when I was student teaching, trying to come up with a gift for my cooperating teacher and stressing–because she was creative and I was not.
Somehow I had decided that because I couldn’t draw a cow that looked like a cow, I couldn’t create.
Keep in mind, I had been writing stories since I was five. But somehow I didn’t think that counted.
Yes, at some point I realized my flawed thinking–perhaps because the wheels in my head can get going so fast with ideas that they almost run ME over. I now spend most of my days creating in one way or another–and acknowledging that I’m doing it.
But being asked to be showcased on Laura’s site was like an exclamation point on the truth: Creativity doesn’t always look the same.
So…want to take a ride in my wheels? It’s kind of a wild ride. You can read the first two of Laura’s posts from our interview. Just click on the links below.
I’ll let you know when the next two are published.
(And, by the way, they’re not perfect yet…but for one of my picture books, I’m trying to learn to draw cows. 😉 )
Meanwhile, how about you? Do you struggle with creativity? Feel like you’re the only one without it…or have so many ideas your wheels keep you racing? Let me know in the comments.
Here’s Part 1:

* * * * * *
Here’s Part 2:

8 thoughts on “Taking a Ride on My Wheels”
Every day moments make for great inspiration. 🙂
I totally agree, Melissa! Do you have specific types of moments that get your creative juices flowing?
I agree that creativity is expressed in different ways. I’m pretty creative at planning parties and events and in writing. But, when it comes to arts and crafts, not at all. Congrats on your interviews, sounds fun and a wonderful opportunity!
What kind of parties and events do you plan? Do you do it privately or for others? I enjoy creating them if it’s about the program, the invites, sometimes the decorations–but figuring out how much food to make/buy? That can make me loopy. 😉
I just love the fact that we are all good at different things.
So for your parties, what was your favorite one? Your craziest one?
Love your site and how you thread life stories into lessons and insights!
Thank you, Mary. I guess I learn in stories, so I figure others do, too. Hope you come back often.
May the Lord use the gift which He has given to you to bless many. I know you always have the other in mind when you write. God bless you.
Thank you! I pray that the Lord will use my experiences to encourage others.