Nothing Beats a Great Story


Nothing Beats a Great Story

Raw Struggles, Real HOPE (and a Splash of Wit)  

Stories that

*Meet us where we are,
*Show we’re not alone, and
*Give us hope

Because sometimes we wear the superhero cape . . .
and sometimes we can’t even find our shoes.

                            Stories that

                      *Meet us where we are
                      *Show we’re not alone

                      *Give us hope

              Because sometimes we wear the superhero cape . . .
           and sometimes we can’t even find our shoes.

Here's a fun example...

All she wants is a trouble-free weekend. But her cow and her grumpy neighbor apparently have other plans.

All she wants is a trouble-free weekend. But her cow and her grumpy neighbor apparently have other plans.

Elizabeth Daghfal, Writer, Teacher, Speaker
Writer, Teacher, Speaker (and Diet Coke Aficionado)

Elizabeth Daghfal

It’s no secret—I would rather write than sleep.

I love how stories have the power to both celebrate our joys and express our deepest longings. 

Like me, my characters aren’t perfect. They’re authentic, struggling with doubts, fears, cravings, and sometimes just plain clumsinessTrue-to-life with a touch of humor. I want my stories to stir the heart, shining light in dark places and hope in the mayhem.

So with thirty-four years of teaching experience, whether I’m writing, speaking, or coaching, I enjoy combining my passion for storytelling with my fervor for helping others bloom. 

And as a mother of five adult children and wife to “Tall-dark-and-handsome,” I also love reading, singing, playing with my golden retrievers, wearing flip-flops, and just trying to stay ahead of the ideas in my brain.

FCWC 2024 Writer of the Year
2024 Finalist Badge ACFW-VA
2024 First Impressions Finalist
Writer, Teacher, Speaker (and Diet Coke Aficionado)

Elizabeth Daghfal

Born and raised in the South, I now live in Wisconsin and love it–-except for the fifteen months of winter.

When I’m not teaching or writing,– 

Who am I kidding? My husband and five kids say I’m ALWAYS teaching or writing. 

But I also love reading, singing, creating art, wearing flip-flops, playing with my golden retrievers, and just trying to stay ahead of the stories in my brain.

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Not There Yet

...nope, I'm definitely not SuperMom--and here are the stories to prove it... ​

Scattered Kernels

...those thoughts about life that spin like wheels in my head--and hopefully don't run me over... ​

Running the Race Before Me

...preparing for a marathon to celebrate my marriage ​

Art for the Soul and other creations--and how they affect my heart... ​

Other Scribblings

...sometimes some thoughts don't fit into any category -- just like me...

My Outside Publications

...finding me outside of this site...

About Me

...the me behind the words...

So Glad You're Here

I hope these stories connect with something inside of you—

Maybe makes you say, “Yes, I’ve felt just like that!”

Or at least gives you something to laugh about.

I’d love to know how they affect you and what’s going on in your life. Why not leave a comment?

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I’d just love to know you’re out there.

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